Awaken the Wonder within.


Welcome to my platform! My name is Natalie, and I am so grateful that you found your way here!

As a sound practitioner, my dream is to guide folks on a sound experience that allows them to feel supported, deeply relaxed and more in tune with their Authentic Self.

As humans, I believe we all have unique gifts to share. My vision is to help you awaken those gifts through sound and collectively raising vibrations.

won-der (noun)

a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.

Meet Natalie

Hi! I’m Natalie, founder of Wonderstate Studio LLC, a wellness studio rooted in curiosity and created with wonder.

Wonderstate Studio LLC is an energy centered, and spiritually driven wellness studio. My focus is to help restore harmony and bring forth any disconnect within the mind, body and spirit. I offer intuitive led Sound Baths and Reiki sessions tailored specifically to your needs. Come home to your authentic self ..

Rooted in curiosity. Awakened with wonder.

Your Healing Journey Starts with You.